Of course once the top and back were pieced, the next step was basting. I hate basting, particularly when his Highness isn't around. Scrambling around on my hands and knees on the hard conservatory floor isn't my idea of fun. So enter basting-avoidance project #1 - Gravity quilt.
I'm slightly more than half way through this project so there's more to do although not a huge amount more.
The next block to tackle is Cosmic, a six point star with triangles and diamonds on the ends. It comes in two jewel colour schemes - ruby red and emerald green.
There's quite a few points to match here but, using Carol Doak's technique of using a large basting stitch first, adjusting as necessary and then sewing using a smaller stitch length it came together rather quickly.
The six colours are more distinct then they seem in the picture but I must confess that I can't tell the difference between a couple of the shades. That's a terrible thing for a woman to confess and may disqualify me from being able to use it as an excuse for buying more shoes in the future. Maybe.
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