In May the fabric turned up but due to other commitments I didn't manage to start cutting into it until early June. When calculating the fabric requirements I relied upon EQ7 and made a basic but telling mistake - EQ7 assumes that you'll be traditionally piecing all the triangle blocks. All quarter and half square triangles are cut and pieced individually. There's no room for "magic square" methods with EQ7.
My intention had been to piece the blocks using the magic square technique but quickly (and luckily before I cut into the fabric) realized I didn't have enough. As the fabric had come from the USA I didn't have time to order more. I'd have to cut 960 quarter square triangles and 960 half square triangles. And then piece them together. Yikes.
The cutting went fairly quickly but the piecing? Not so much. I've tried various techniques to try to keep myself interested in sewing the 960 quarter square units into 480 half square units. And then the 480 half square units into 480 blocks . But it's been tough.
Today I finished piecing the 240 blue/green/white blocks together and started clipping apart the red/green units in preparation of turning them into blocks. But half way through clipped off my dog ears and pressing open I lost the will to sew. I'd love to say that "the spirit was willing but the body was weak" but in reality neither body nor soul wanted to continue!
I'll try to get back to it at some point this week but right now I'm sick and tired of triangles!
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