Tuesday, 10 March 2015

Great British Sewing Bee

A life filled with chronic pain and migraines means that I have had to make a lot of concessions - gone are the days when I could drink alcohol, get less than 8 hours sleep, visit the cinema or regularly watch television. My Sky Plus box (the UK equivalent of TiVo) has programmes on it from November which I still haven't watched. A Netflicks box set binge? A dream. What's The Good Wife? A lifetime of pop culture had passed me by.

I therefore have to carefully choose what I watch - if it's going to take me a week to watch an episode, it better be worth it! One series I am (slowly) watching is The Great British Sewing Bee. For those of you who haven't watched it, this is a series in which members of the public compete in a series of clothing manufacturing tasks which are judged by the great and good of the tailoring world. And when I say "good", I mean this guy. 

I hate to objectify but good grief those are some good genes. Plus he seems like a really nice guy. And Lordy he can sew. A Saville Row tailor none the less.

Apart from the eye candy of Patrick, there are the sewing patterns to drool over. I last tried to make clothes when I was a teenager. I would make a cheap holiday wardrobe and then throw it out as soon as I got home. 

But with patterns like the walk away dress, I could be inspired again.

That reminds me, I need to pencil Mad Men in my diary for 2017.

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