Thursday, 2 April 2015

Going into Orbit

Having trundled my way through the first four blocks in Gravity, I thought I'd tackle the next block - Orbit. It comes in pink and blue options.

For those of you not making the quilt, Orbit is basically four hexagons joined together with triangles on opposite corners. I like a bit like this.

Sewing the triangles onto the hexagons is fairly straight forwards, but forming the rows and then joining the  rows together? Oh. Good. Grief.

The seams are pressed open so you can't nest them but, in any event, the opposing edges are at 60 degree angles so you couldn't nest them anyway. The edges overlap so you can't match points. Madness.

I must have seen that first seam 10 times. And unpicked it 9 times. Eventually my mantra became "baste, check, unpick, repeat".

Eventually I got there and without throwing it out of the window. But I don't have the energy to do the blue block right now.

At least I  know why it's called Orbit - I almost sent me into one.

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