Sunday, 26 April 2015

Sunday Stash #8

Another feast week of fabric has come and gone.

First a layer cake of Wee Ones flannels by Tim and Beck for Moda.

bought the layer cake from Carogojo who included a skinny coordinating fat quarter for free! If you are making a quilt which needs binding, having a free skinny quarter would be a life saver. I confess my project (already cut out) doesn't require binding so this little beauty will be going in my stash.

The backing and binding of my new secret project arrived from Sew Hot

How ridiculously cute is this Wildflower Meadow print by Melly and Me for Riley Blake?! I also bought some mint green stripe from Daysail by Bonnie and Camille for Moda. I've never done stripy binding before so this could be interesting...

Next up, my fat quarter bundle of Sun Print Alison Glass arrived from Mass Drop arrived. 

Gotta love Mass Drop - any customs charges were already paid so it zoomed over to me! No idea what I'm going to do with it but it's in my stash so no "non-buyers regret" for me!

Speaking of non-buyers regret, my FQ bundle of Shimmer by Jennifer Sampou for Robert Kaufman also arrived. 

It's not quite a complete bundle as the lovely people at The Quilter's Studio had sold out of some fabrics but I understand Jennifer is to add to the collection this year. So I might be able to supplement my stash with some coordinating fabric.

Happy Sunday sewing!


  1. Your stash groups are great. I recently received a group of fabrics from Massdrop too. Not sure what I will make with them, but I know they will find a quilt home.

    1. There's always a welcome home for new stash!

  2. Ah you're Shimmering too! I'm delighted to hear about customs being paid already on the Massdrop fabric, I've considered buying from them but too worried about an additional charge, how do they swing it?

    1. I always shimmer! I think Mass Drop factor it into their p&p.

  3. I didn't have my customs pre paid when I bought from massdrop - my $25 purchase of thread got a lot more expensive with £12 customs and handling fee on top!! Love those fabrics- how lovely to simply look at them.

    1. That's so odd! I've never been charged for anything from Mass Drop. It's too bad you were charged on a $25 purchase too - HMRC's de minimis is £20 ($30 at today's exchange rate) so you shouldn't have been charged. I'd appeal it if I were you.

  4. Great selections to add to your stash!
