Monday, 13 April 2015

Moving along, Building Blocks

A few days I had a brilliant idea - I would get ahead in the Simply Solids version of the Moda Building Blocks block of the month.

I have a large stash of Kona solids built up and, rather wait for more yardage to be sent out to me, I could simply start making the next blocks straight away. "Brilliant" I thought!

Until I hit a small snag - the next block, block 19, called for Caribbean.  Of which I had only tiny scraps left over. Not enough to make the be block. Oops.

Note to self: stop trying to be clever and stick to the plan!

With this month's new stash of Caribbean in hand, I got on with making blocks 19 and 20

Blocks 39, 41 and 42 quickly followed

And then I sewed together five larger blocks which we made in the first months to make section D of the quilt. Which I'll admit needs a good press!

Actually, apart from the Caribbean, I didn't cut into any of this month's fabrics and instead used scraps from my previous months. So most of this month's lovely cuts go into my Patchwork City bundle. Yay!

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