Friday, 20 February 2015

I admit it - I'm a fabric whore

I'm not sure whether that's a politically correct term (probably not!) but I confess to being fairly free and generous with my favours when it comes to fabric.

I went to Missouri Star Quilt Co in November last year and had to buy an extra suitcase to bring all my fabric home. Sorry/not sorry.

I love anything Blend Fabrics have done including the fab Treelicious which I'm making into a Jack's Chain at the moment.

Anything by Kate Spain is ok by me but my favourite is Cuzco. I'm holding some charm packs and a scrap bag for the perfect project. Just look at those teals and violets!

Ditto anything by Alison Glass, whose collections are difficult to get in the UK, at least as a whole bundle. I'm desperate to get hold of a complete FQ bundle of Sunprints but may end up having to order it from the US again. 

Just in case you think I only like bright primary colours, lots of French General and Minick and Simpson also seem to have fallen into my stash...

I'm definitely a fan of simpler palates and don't really like 30s or retro prints. Equally I think Liberty's prints are great but not really my cup of Earl Gray. But I'm always ready to be converted to s new designer or manufacturer - a girls gotta be flexible in this game after all...


  1. Buying a suitcase is genius!! I totally understand wanting to have all of these lovely fabrics. Kate Spain is one of my favorite designers. Cuzco is one of the few of her lines that I don't have. You made some great selections to take back to the U.K.!

    1. I'm thinking of repeating the process each year to see how many suitcases I can own! I wish fabric was more freely available in the UK - and cheaper!
