I recently bought some extra storage (that extra suitcase from Missouri Star Quilt Co really held a lot of layer cakes and jelly rolls!) and it spurred me to try to sort out my stash. It soon became clear that I can basically survive without buying any more fabric for a year. Or more. Maybe a decade. Seriously, I could open a shop with just the amount of Kona snow yardage I own.
Being on a fabric diet very similar to being on a food diet - you know that you're doing it for your own good and that you'll feel better in the long run but....oh but I want to cheat so badly!
On my "I don't need it but I want it" list is Aloha Girl by Fig Tree Quilts
Black and White by Cotton and Steel (those hares!)
This is why I don't fabric diet! I actually have some Sweetwater on my ironing board right now and cannot wait till Saturday when I shut myself in the room and just sew all day with it :) Instead of a diet I have always thought of trying a out & in deal with myself. For every fat quarter or charm pack in my stash that I use I can replace it. Haven't tried it before but it seems rational enough, right?
ReplyDeleteThat's such a good idea Terri Ann and some much more practical than a diet. I might swap tracks...