Thursday, 26 February 2015

The fabric stash that ate the world!

Ok, so this sounds like a B movie title but it's also a fairly accurate description of the fabric which seems to be taking over my sewing room.

I recently bought some extra storage (that extra suitcase from Missouri Star Quilt Co really held a lot of layer cakes and jelly rolls!) and it spurred me to try to sort out my stash. It soon became clear that I can basically survive without buying any more fabric for a year. Or more. Maybe a decade. Seriously, I could open a shop with just the amount of Kona snow yardage I own.

Being on a fabric diet very similar to being on a food diet - you know that you're doing it for your own good and that you'll feel better in the long run but....oh but I want to cheat so badly!

On my "I don't need it but I want it" list is Aloha Girl by Fig Tree Quilts

Black and White by Cotton and Steel (those hares!)

Clementine by Heather Bailey

and finally Feed Company by Sweetwater

Yeah, the diet's going to go great...


  1. This is why I don't fabric diet! I actually have some Sweetwater on my ironing board right now and cannot wait till Saturday when I shut myself in the room and just sew all day with it :) Instead of a diet I have always thought of trying a out & in deal with myself. For every fat quarter or charm pack in my stash that I use I can replace it. Haven't tried it before but it seems rational enough, right?

    1. That's such a good idea Terri Ann and some much more practical than a diet. I might swap tracks...
