So far we've pieced the HUGE 36" blocks, a 30", 24" and 18" blocks and we're now working our way through the 12" blocks. Still to come are some 6" blocks with tiny pieces. Yay!
Here's some pics of the larger blocks...
Apart from one flying goose unit where I lost point and will probably redo, I'm fairly happy with them so far even though some of the techniques were not my usual style. For instance - I'm a "stitch and flip" flying goose girl. I know it wastes some fabric but I liked not having to sew those bias seams. Ditto for half square triangles where I like to create them two at a time by sewing down the middle of squares and then cutting them apart.
There's none of that in his pattern where all the triangles are cut on the bias and then carefully pieced together. I've talked before about why I love BOM projects and this is a good example of why. I would have stuck to my tried and tested methods if this project hadn't forced me to try something different. And now I have a new skill to show for all my hard (yeah right!) work.
Let's see whether I'm so sanguine after sewing those 3/4" seams in the 6" blocks!
Your blocks look great! I am hoping to get my blocks started soon. I may have to adapt the pattern a bit so I have less on the bias fabrics cuts/sewing.
ReplyDeleteIt's definitely a skill that I've perfected after all those blocks and it saves fabric. But I do prefer not to sew on bias too.
DeleteThere is a very beautiful quilt that looks so beautiful with colors...
ReplyDeleteto get more design in weaveron textile click on this link....: